Evolve your brand’s digital presence and cast a wider net
Web presence
Draw you prospects in to an interactive digital world
Getting your target involved and emotionally engaged in your brand calls for a website that is designed to coax their participation at multiple levels. mPlus helps you evolve your website into an interactive one where your prospects can’t help themselves from being drawn to what your brand is saying.
mPlus is also the master of drawing out big insights from big data using advanced analytics expertise to help your brand make truly informed decisions. In a nutshell, it helps you identify patterns to get that coveted backstage pass into conversations with leads that you were only observing from the sidelines before.

Digital Advertising
From YouTube to you’ve got mail. Covering all avenues of the digital world.
Guilty pleasure or a daily staple, Youtube is here to stay and give your brand another visual media to scratch your heads over. mPlus’ YouTube advertising solutions help your brand understand the psyche of your target audience based on what and when they are watching, and use that information to tailor content that make them your fans.
mPlus also helps your brand be present across the proliferation of channels like email, video, mobile etc. et al through its cross-channel marketing solutions, to help get a conversion out of a prospect in two minds.
Art that interacts make your prospects react
Digital ad campaigns hit the high notes of success when you add the element of interaction. What could be better than a direct connection with your prospect through an interactive ad. With mPlus, your brand can build creatives that offer your prospects an interactive peak into your world, leaving them wanting to see more and driving that conversion.

Getting the data to the talking, in a way you will understand
We keep telling you how we can bring you mountains and mountains of data and get out of it only what make sense for your business. What we haven’t told you yet is that mPlus can bring exactly the kind of information from this big data that different people in your organization are interested in seeing. mPlus creates dashboards for the CXOs, marketing minds and sales stars of your organizations so that they have all the information that they specifically need to make smart and effective decisions.

Customer Engagement
Tailored digital content to keep your prospects coming back for more
To hit it off with a prospect or customer means to think and talk like them. With the help of mPlus’s advanced analytics solutions, you can market your digital content right by getting an insight into their back story and thought processes by drawing out patters. This will help you make your conversations sharper, more effective and more useful to them. They’ll love you for it.
mPlus also helps take your relationship status with leads and customers to the next level by running digital rewards & loyalty programs, to show your appreciation for their interest in you make sure they stick around with you longtime.
Social Media
Hear what everyone is saying and say what will be heard
Being a smart talker is great but being a careful listener is a huge bonus too. It is vital for you to know what your prospects are saying about you and others like you on the platform where they are most vocal – i.e. social media. mPlus offers social media listening solutions that hear all the whispers, chatter and noise your prospects are making online and tune your digital communications along the same line so you don’t end up talking to a wall.
mPlus also delves deep into all corners of the crazy world of social media using advanced analytics to bring you information direct from the horse’s (i.e. your prospects’) mouth. mPlus shows you how things that look mundane might be a goldmine of information that can help your brand’s campaign get more efficient and focused.