42LMS – Your Comprehensive Learning Management System Solution


42LMS is a cutting-edge Learning Management System designed to enhance educational experiences for both instructors and learners through an intuitive interface, robust analytics, and comprehensive dashboards.

Key Features

Student Details

Student Details

Classroom Updates: View schedules, shared resources, and completed assessments.

Detailed Records: Access information for any course, track progress reports, and download attendance records.

Intuitive User Interface

Intuitive User Interface

User-Friendly Design: Our cloud-based solution is easy to use and fosters collaborative learning.

Robust Analytics and Reporting

Robust Analytics and Reporting

Actionable Insights: Utilize instant reports and a comprehensive dashboard to monitor performance and engagement.

Instructor and Learner Dashboards

Course Planner & Resources

Auto-Create Lesson Plans: Based on the timetable schedule.

Comprehensive Resource Management: Share hyperlinks, videos, and documents at the course module level.

Feedback Collection: Gather student feedback for each session.

Assignment Management

Versatile Assignment Tools: Manage individual, class, and group assignments.

Plagiarism Checking: Integration with Turnitin.

Grading and Submissions: Grade online and track submissions with ease.

Quizzes Management

Flexible Quiz Creation: Set up timed quizzes, publish scores, and answer keys.

Advanced Features: Generate random question papers, automate grading, and support various question types.

Question Bank Utilization: Create and manage a comprehensive question bank.

Faculty Gradebook

Automated Score Fetching: Integrates with the LMS for assignment and quiz scores.

Customizable Components: Create internal components and allocate weightages.

Conduct Online Classes

E-Learning Support: Plan, create, and manage online classes seamlessly.

Webinar Integration: Integrate with video conferencing tools and share recorded sessions.

Discussion Forum

Extend Learning: Conduct threaded discussions with features like upvotes, views, and comments.

Trusted by Companies Achievements


Our Happy Students


Enrolled Learners


Expert Instructor


Satisfaction Rate

Get Started

Experience the future of learning with 42LMS. Contact us today to learn more and schedule a demo.


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